Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
The simile consists liking of thing to another thing on the condition that it be basesd on lie, no truth, in otherwords it be claiming. the simile has kinds as for different credits. The rhetoric scholars Divides the simile to hidden and evident simile from point of strsngeness and expilcitness. the hidden simile has strsngeness and it is referenced to tenor and vihicle hiddenly, therefore it is understood with the deliberrating. in this research, we studied resurrection’s verses and in the twelve verses we have found eighteen similes from kind of hiddden, emphasised and abstracted and fifteen similes rrom kind of singular- singular and thirteen similes from kind of sensible- sensible. As the hidden simile requires to thinking therefore the inclusion of this simile to singular- singular and sensible- sensible, reduces from strangeness. this problem is witness of quran’s rhetoric and important mission for talend and scholars Holy Quran, simile, hidden similet.
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