In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



One of the most important artistic creations of the Holy Qur'an in expressing numerous examples of ambiguous phrases is the use of allusion to the adjective, in the sense that attributes of an object or person are mentioned indirectly in an ambiguous context, but the meaning of a certain adjective is accompanied by mention. It is similar. In this type of irony, sometimes a specific adjective is intended, and sometimes the general people or objects are included. In this research, we tried to examine and explain the irony approach of the description in three interpretations of Tebayan, Keshaf and Al-Mizan along with mentioning the details of the said irony. Some results indicate the fact that in the three mentioned commentaries, the allusion to what is described in the words and phrases of "al-raffathus" is an obscene speech that is spoken only in the context of marriage, the allusion to the act of marriage, the expression "O Lamastum al-Nissa" Pleasant touch with each other, an allusion to the state of janabat, the word "excrement" means a low place, an allusion to feces and defecation, the word "saida" to the surface of the earth, an allusion to pure soil, and the descriptive combination of "Zat-e-al-Wahhi wa Dosor" has large boards made with nails, an allusion to a large and strong ship, despite the mention of numerous and similar examples, but in a broader sense than mentioning the necessary and necessary will and with the phrases Allusion, sarcasm, intention, and meaning are used.


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