In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


payame noor Assistance professor



The difference in interpretative views is the result of several factors that the examination of the interpretation process can reveal the effect of these factors. The purpose of the present research is to reread the process of interpretation of the Miqat verse "Felma Tajali Rebbe" in accordance with one of these important factors, i.e. interpretation trends. The research method is analytical and based on description and explanation: describing different sayings and interpretation products, then explaining the diversity of views through analyzing the way the commentator interacts with the primary sayings in the light of trends. The findings of the research showed that the interpretation products in verse 143 of A'raf include two types of interpretations in the figurative sense and the real sense. Commentaries in the light of the theological trend by not giving priority to the plan of the opposite sayings, make the manifestation the meaning of appearance and use the appearance of God on the mountain in the direction of vision, while the theological trend has had an effect on the process of this verse in only one interpretation. Other trends have created different products in their process. The final result of the analysis of the interpretation process showed to what extent this process is unique for each interpretation text and how much it is necessary to conduct more rational and detailed investigations in the interpretation process.


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