In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper



Revelational teachings of Holy Quran have been revealed in two kinds: clear verses, and ambiguous ones. The clear verses are the key to understand the ambiguous ones and meet the interpretational needs instead of relying on independent and external sources. Contrary to Akhbarian's thought, Quran does not require anything for its understanding. Of course, it does not mean independence from the divine teacher, Prophet and Imam for teaching how to refer the ambiguous verses to the clear ones and the expression of details as well as the related explanation and Ta'wil of Quran. Moreover, many verses, although not ambiguous, should be referred to other verses for their profound meaning. This important point has been taught frequently and directly by the true teachers of Quran, i.e. The Household of the Prophet. In this way, these teachers have mentioned the role of The Ahl al-bayt in understanding Quran in order to to prevent wrong performance of Akhbarian.
Therefore, the content of Hadith  in comparison to Quranic teachings is a way to understand and interpret Quranic truths. Akhbarian have caviled at Quran by Quran Method by different pretexts, and have considered it as against definite teachings of the Household of the Prophet. In this article by "Quran by Quran method", try to interpret a number of ambiguous verses in order to show the superiority of this method and its frequent application in the school of "Transcendent Theosophy". As a result, revelations will be understood clearly and accurately to account for the dissidents' doubts.


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