Document Type : Research Paper
In this article we pass human unawareness about Layla al-qadr and try to solve complexity of its meaning with focus on incorporeal and unearthly dimension of its essence. We perceive its paradigmatic relation in the text of Quran consequently analyse meaning of “mubārak” (paradigm of al-qadr). Then we recognize and analyse “nuzūl” and design process of “sending down” of Malāeka; as a basic act of its night and key verb of Sura al-qadr in comprehension of “Layla al-qadr”. Therefore we can understand twofield essence of Layla al-qadr which in the Hadīth recite as “buṭnān al-arsh” (abdomen of divine throne). So interpretation of Layla al-qadr needs epistemological leaping between two meaning field; divine concept (al-qadr) and mortal concept (Layla); leaping that applies in the interpretation of other Quranic words.