In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper



Methodology of exegeses is a unavoidable subject in new Quranic studies. Due to different dimensions of these methods and classification of exegeses can show the correct way to interpret the Quran. What are the ways of understanding the Quran? What type of cognition is interpretation? What is the relationship between interpretation and this type of cognition? are the main question of this studies. In this regard, Quranic scholars try to define these methods such as exegetical, interpretative, mystic, illuminated, intuitional and primary cognition. In this article we review “Atyab al-bayan fi tafsir al-Quran” and its method by Abd al-Husiyn Tayyib. So we try to show his method in this exegesis and examine his obligation to this method throughout it.
