Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Language-making propositions have the task of conveying meaning from one subject to another, but it is important to maintain the social credentials of the messenger and the messenger when the propositions are made, and that the message has a good amount of literature. The structural form of the Prophet's discourse in the Qur'an is a distinctive type of literature, and its criterion is semantic plurality and its issuance to induce hidden and explicit intentions. The prevailing discourse of Noah, which is related to Noah's continued invitation to monotheism and the quality of this invitation to his stubborn people, is a very good model for confirming the literature of the Prophet's discourse in the Qur'an. Therefore, in this research, it is attempted to analyze the descriptive-analytical method of literary aspects in the Noah Syrian Linguistic System. The results show that indirect discourse strategy, which is the most polite discourse strategy to maintain social credibility of both parties, has the highest frequency (74%) in this chapter.
قرآن کریم
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