In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


Marvi seminary, Tehran, Iran


The word " laġw " and its derivatives are repeated in eleven verses of the Holy Quran. The concept of this word, especially in some verses, became obscure from the second century AH, because of the change in culture and arabic language from the time of the revelation of the Qur'an. One of the effective methods to travel this historical distance and discover the concept of Quranic words in its context is to use historical linguistics, especially historical semantics and etymology. in this research These methods Has been used to discover the concept of this word. For this purpose, according to the meaning of this word in the ancient Afro-Asian language and by analyzing and comparing the uses of this root in the Holy Quran and the Old Testament, the lexical stratum of this word are clarified. The first meaning of this word according to the meaning of "jahl" in the Holy Quran, is the speech action of a man who tends to lose his self control on the slightest provocation and second shallow and rash judgment of this man on everything especially religious matters because of being constantly in this state.


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