Document Type : Research Paper
The Harally Andalusi is one of the sufia and maalekia interpreter's century 6 (Hejri). And his interpretation "Meftah al-Bab al-Mughaffal lefahm al-Quran al-Munzal" is one of those striking interpretations in the Islamic world west that has had impressive of some of Ahlebayt interpreter's and obvious impacts on subsequent interpretation that come after it. It necessitates studying methodical and calling his interpretation and the important meaning of it. In this research, we would be highlighted the report of his interpretative text's for feel method, exegetical tendency and fundamentals and tried to use descriptions - analysis for take about method, exegetical tendency and some of his fundamentals in "Meftah al-Bab al-Mughaffal …". It seems Harally, first paying Quran based on Quran's method with messenger traditions and sahabi's and tabiun word. His exegetical tendency is training and preachy interpretation's. in fundamental of interpretation, Harally believes that the interpretation knowledge belongs imam Ali and Ahlebayt and real understanding need to Degrees of spirit and Divine gift.