In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper



In this article by the descriptive and analytical method, we deal with verse of "Amana" (ahzab: 72) and tolerate that in transcendent wisdom. This verse talk about the Divine trust presented the earth and mountains but they refused to carry it but foolish and sinful human accept it. Mulla Sadra says this trust pointing to the existence of man and his capacity for transfer in different degrees of being. In this regard he blots interpretations and duration, the Divine Light of God and divine heart for the same entity and the ability entity use. From his viewpoint the Divine trust and on behalf of God and God is the emanation of the attributes of God in perfect human researcher. Prophets and imams are instances of full man and are the same on them as Amin of God in the earth have been mentioned and the honesty of the province. Based on this interpretation of the verse trust, spiritually and worshippers of man pointing to special characteristics there is a man who can be the necessary him to transfer and mobility than in the reality of the reality.
