In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper



In the linguistics of the text of a story, in which different characters are present, according to Bakhtin's theory of polyphony, it conveys different words arising from different beliefs, the rule of polyphony and freedom of expression. An approach that is a tool for expressing reality and highlighting texts. For example, in Qur'anic stories, quoting the words of characters who have different and sometimes anti-right beliefs is a sign of the rule of "polyphony" and the Qur'an's approach to freedom of expression. In this article, he has gone to Surah Yusuf (7), which contains "Ahsan Al-Qasas" (Yusuf / 3) and is full of different words, and with a descriptive-analytical method, and explaining the key words of this story, he has analyzed the polyphonic phenomenon in this story. And it is shown that in the dialogue of this story; Expressions such as Ya Abate" and " Ma'aza Allah" in the words of Yusuf (AS) and "Ya Bonay" and "Sawwal" and "ejtaba" in the; Yaqub's remarks and some of Yusuf's brothers' emphatic sayings, the interpretation of "Akrami" and "Masva" in the beloved speech of Egypt and the phrase "Hita Lak" of Zuleykha arise from different beliefs and worldviews and the quotation of these same words is the same. Without exception, one of the aspects of the Qur'an's expressive miracle is in showing the rule of polyphony in this story, and it conveys the Qur'an's approach to freedom of expression.


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