Document Type : Research Paper
1 Professor of Quran and Hadith Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran: Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran: Iran
3 Ph.D student in Quran and Hadith Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran: Iran
The Phrase "Sabbiḥ bi-ḥamdi rabbik" (Glory be to God) and the concept of "Tasbiḥ bi-ḥamd" (glorifying God) have been repeated many times in the Holy Qur'an, and this repetition shows its high importance in the Qur'anic attitude and character. The question of the meaning of Tasbiḥ bi Ḥamd has been always considered by scholars and commentators and various answers have been provided for it. What has been said about this Qur'anic statement is mainly based on presuppositions in theology and the subject of divine attributes, and so far this concept has not been discussed from a historical and semantic perspective. This research based on the method of Etymology and using the data of Semitic languages and Bible, has reviewed the background of Tasbiḥ and Ḥamd and through this has re-read the meaning of Tasbiḥ bi Ḥamd in the Holy Quran. As a result, it was found that Ḥamd in this phrase does not mean praise, but the meaning of desire and love, and Tasbiḥ bi-ḥamd indicates a kind of praise based on lovemaking.
Main Subjects
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