In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


1 imam sadeqUniversity

2 imam sadeq


One of the results of the equal position of reason and narration in Ayatollah Javadi's view is that these two sources of knowledge, in addition to their exclusive domain, have a common domain that sometimes help each other and sometimes conflict with each other in the process of understanding, pondering and interpreting the Holy Quran. According to the authenticity of both sources in the religion of Islam, definitive conflict between these two is impossible and what has happened under this title and will be resolved is their primary conflict. By providing precise definitions of the mentioned terms, this article has tried to measure the ratio between reason and narration and explanation in the field of function, as well as how to use them in the process of understanding the Holy Qur'an.
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  • قرآن کریم

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    • ـــــــــــــ ، 1388ش، ادب فنای مقربان(b)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ 1389ش، تفسیر انسان به انسان(c)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ 1386ش، رحیق مختوم(d)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1389ش، منزلت عقل در هندسه معرفت دینی(e)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1389ش، انتظار بشر از دین(f)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1386ش، سرچشمه اندیشه(g)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1388ش، حق و تکلیف در اسلام(h)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1387ش، دین شناسی(k)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
    • ـــــــــــــ1388ش، حکمت عبادات(l)، قم: مرکز نشر اسراء
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