In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


Instructor of the Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Payam Noor University, Iran


Nonverbal behavior constitutes a wide range of human behaviors that generate communication messages. To understand the social behavior of man, the human communication system must be studied; a non-verbal communication is a part of human communication that appears to be more effective and real. Behavioral or non-verbal communication is one of the proper or hermeneutic methods that occur and are interpreted in different circumstances, situations and contexts; itsorigin is individuals’ real and inner feelings, such as fear, anxiety, regret, grief, yearning etc.
Since the concepts and subjects contained in the Holy Qur'an, along with all the interpretive capacities and religious arguments, include cultural and moral concepts, we tried to examine the non-verbal and behavioral communication that occurs through human hand.It seems that there are six non-verbal behavioral modes referred to in the Qur'an;most of them are the reactions of people at time of regret, such as (stinging the teeth with hands, falling in the hands,hitting hands) or due to fear (placing fingers in Ears), or because of intense anger (stinging fingers by tooth), or for the sake of being ridiculing (taking hand to the mouth). In this research, we try to explain these factors in the field of psychology, social science and hermeneutics by using analytical and descriptive methods and benefiting from the Quran and interpretations.
key words
Fear, regret, anger, ridicule, hands, fingers


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