In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty

2 student of falsafe va kalam payamenoor university

3 assidtant proffisor of philosophy payamenoor university-tehran

4 assistant proffisor of philosophy


The widespread use of verses and hadiths in the poetic and prose works of Shah Nematullah Vali shows his great affinity with the holy Quran and Hadith.The issue of the present research is how the Shah Vali used verses and narrations in his works and what goals he pursued.Shah Vali has used verses and narrations with the various literary techniques such as terseness, allusion, implication, and analysis for aspect of appearance and literary and for the beauty and solidity of his words.In such a way that his excellent and simultaneous hegemony of the literature and science of the holy Qur'an and interpretation is obvious.But in terms of content, beyond the unique quantity of verses and hadiths in the works of poetry and prose of Shah Vali, this quantity has served three main purposes. The first is the mystical interpretation of the verses in the form of a subject-oriented interpretation, the second is the explanation of theosophicalphrases, culture and knowledge, which in this way increased their acceptance among the people. The third is the explanation of ethics vices and virtues,in other words, the explanation of practical theosophy and gnostic spiritual journeying and wayfaring.totally, the quantity and quality of the applying verses and narrations by Shah Vali is a complete model of religious mysticismthat considers itself to be bound by religious texts, but with its own mystical interpretations.


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