Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor of Quran Department, Quran and Hadith University
Today, utilizing up-to-date knowledge is an important way to analyze religious texts. The linguistic structure of the Qur'an is such that it uses the best ways to convey the message. "Semiotics" studies with different approaches are among the most up-to-date knowledge in the contemporary world. The structure of the stress pattern is one of the semiotic patterns related to the post-Greek period. In this approach, signs are linked together with concepts and meanings and become fluid and dynamic categories. The present study aims to use a descriptive-analytical approach to investigate the formation of the discourse process in Surah Al-Waqi'ah using a tension model. Surah Al-Waqi'ah is considered in terms of its special context. In this surah, the narrator, in repetitive contexts, structurally draws the narrator to his discourse space. This means that the contexts of the surah have a repetitive pattern. In all of them, it seems that the speech starts with high emotional pressure and moves towards the expansion of the world of utterances and cognitive horizons, following a downward pattern.
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