In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


University Of Quran And Progeny



The co- content coherence of some literary works with the Qur'an verses has brought them to the boundary of relation to this book, on the other hand, the interactivity that the Qur'an scholars have with the verses, made their literary works valuable. Nafathat-ol-Masdūr, the Zaydari Nasavi's literary work, is one of the literary-historic sources of the Khwarazm Shah's period, which gives a literary story of Iran's historical, social and political situation in the seventh century. The frequency of verses has been more important by Using 137 verses in this book. Meanwhile, Zaidary's narration is based on a kind of coherence and intertextuality with Qur'an stories in terms of Parataxis, proportionality, Parataxis of musicalizing and phonetic, cause and effect relationship, and the association of ideas. “Simulating of Qur’an stories with text in Zaydari’s narrating” is a study to explore the parallelism of the field of stories and intertextual relationships to understand the text well.

In using of Qur’an stories, the author's perspective and beliefs are presented. i.e. the nature of Sustainability, belief in divine mercy, changeless of traditions, fatalistic ideas, determinism, and paying attention to ethical and theosophical teachings such as: judgement, trust, condemnation of crimes and devastation caused by the onslaught of foreign nations, aggravation of the consequences of oppression, and the sociological use of the verses.


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