In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Scientific Association of Quran and Testaments

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Payame Noor University

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3 Faculty


Understanding the truth of the language of the Qur'an requires complete thinking in the "intratextual" and "extratextual" challenges of this holy book. This article, by entering the field of "hermeneutics", while overviewing this science, has criticized and evaluated the most serious doubts and challenges of "textual hermeneutics" (specifically: philosophical hermeneutics), and tried to solve them with adjusting the view, or rejecting doubts, in order to open the way for a hermeneutic that is compatible with the classic view of Islam on the category of understanding and interpretation. According to the fixed principles and the absolutist nature of the Islamic religion, and the strong rational and narrative proofs, the extreme relativistic view of understanding the meaning in the "modern" period, and some of the viewpoints inclined to it in the "post-modern" period, are in complete conflict with the inherent nature of religion, and contradict God's wisdom in sending the "messaging text of the Qur'an" and the” sending of the Messenger". Therefore, establishing the language of this book on the unclear and shaky principles of understanding in these periods is ruled out. On the other hand, adjusting the view based on absolutist and methodical hermeneutics in the Classical and Neoclassical or even Preclassical periods, is the only way to achieve a suitable hermeneutic for the book of the Qur'an. However, the specific differences between the Qur'an and other books, require the establishment of a "special and appropriate hermeneutic for this book".


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