Document Type : Research Paper
1 student
2 Associate Professor College:Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages Department:Arabic Language and Literature
The context can be considered as the most reliable and important tool of the commentator to enter the analysis of texts, especially the surahs of the Qur'an. Expressions such as: context, situational context, and terms such as position in the tradition of Qur'anic interpretation and the dignity of revelation, or the cause of revelation, are items that fall under the meaning of context. Jorjani is one of the people who presented theories in the field of text histology more than a thousand years ago;, achieved, and by purposefully presenting the same issues, reintroduced it into linguistics in the form of scientific theory. This article tries to introduce some of the textural components to Jorjani in a descriptive-analytical manner and reflects his histological approach to the text by comparing it with Surah Al-Kahf. The use of words and its semantic connections with other sentence components and syntactic and semantic text-making combinations are among the textual cases that have been presented in Surah Al-Kahf in line with the main purpose of this surah, which is to express the discourse of monotheism and resurrection. "The necessity of the present and the position" - which in contemporary histological theory is known as the context of the position of the text - can be equivalent to the discussion of deletion, presentation and connection that Jorjani has dealt with, and we can boldly say that these cases are objective manifestations. The context of the situation is considered by Jorjani.
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