Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 1-2
Abdolhadi FeghiZadeh; Mohamad Javad Azadi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 7-23
For a long time, Researchers have been interested on the "Relationship between Quranic Surahs" and proposed several theories which are reviewed in various studies. Because of scientific position of Allāmah Ṭabātabāī, especially in Qu’ranic interpretation, his opinions in this subject are ...
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For a long time, Researchers have been interested on the "Relationship between Quranic Surahs" and proposed several theories which are reviewed in various studies. Because of scientific position of Allāmah Ṭabātabāī, especially in Qu’ranic interpretation, his opinions in this subject are more important; the issue that has been ignored for several reasons, such as his ideas about arrangement of Surahs in present mos'haf and he believed that the arrangement is being Man-made. According to this, in present article, we will report theoutstanding opinions about the types and forms of connection between Surahs, showing the quality of Allāmah's belief or unbelief to them as appropriate. The studying of Allāmah Ṭabātabāī shows that not only he is aware of the connection of surahs, but also has several opinions in refusing or accepting the types of connections proposed here.
seyyed hassan sadat mostafavi; Hamid reza shoeiri; Hadi Rahnama
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 24-42
The tensive model is an analytical tool used in post-Greimasian semiotics. In the tensive model, any given value is constituted by combining two "valencies" (dimensions): intensity and extent (range). Extent is the range over which intensity applies; it corresponds to quantity, variety, and the spatial ...
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The tensive model is an analytical tool used in post-Greimasian semiotics. In the tensive model, any given value is constituted by combining two "valencies" (dimensions): intensity and extent (range). Extent is the range over which intensity applies; it corresponds to quantity, variety, and the spatial or temporal range of phenomena. Intensity and extent are each subject to variation on a continuous scale from zero to the maximum (or even infinity). The tensive model is generally represented visually by a graph: intensity is placed on the ordinate, and extent on the abscissa. On this graph, any given phenomenon may occupy one or more positions. Two types of correlation exist between intensity and extent. The correlation is said to be converse, or direct, if (1) an increase in one of the two valencies is accompanied by an increase in the other and (2) a decrease in one valency leads to a decrease in the other. The correlation is said to be inverse if an increase in one of the two valencies is accompanied by a decrease in the other, and vice versa. In this paper, for the first time, we used tensive semiotics in the analysis of the Quranic discourse, through the analysis of "Kiramat" (dignity) in the Holy Quran.
Karam Siyavashi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 43-67
Men wahy al- Quran is of the recent interpretations of the Quran that interpreted the verses of the Holy Quran in a style kinetic (Haraki); up to date and educational. However, besides this feature, According to legend, attributed to the Immaculate and Other historical reports related verses is a visible ...
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Men wahy al- Quran is of the recent interpretations of the Quran that interpreted the verses of the Holy Quran in a style kinetic (Haraki); up to date and educational. However, besides this feature, According to legend, attributed to the Immaculate and Other historical reports related verses is a visible manifestation in it. According to the survey, Fadlullah's confrontation with traditions is strict and consideration. In this paper, Fadlullah's Rigor Causes in the face of Interpretive accounts and historical narr-atives and The barriers that prevented him to use wider of Interpretive accounts and historical narratives, have been attributed to the various shortcomings in them. It is clear that this approach has faced harsh criticism in cases, as we have discussed.
Sohrab Morovvati; Mina Ya'goobi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 68-75
Intellectual, religious and ideological presu-ppositions and Understanding of the operation are considered destruction that form an invisible layer of meaning to the translator and then as the fact are introduced to the audience. If all religions and Islamic sects want to translate the Quran on ...
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Intellectual, religious and ideological presu-ppositions and Understanding of the operation are considered destruction that form an invisible layer of meaning to the translator and then as the fact are introduced to the audience. If all religions and Islamic sects want to translate the Quran on their own presuppositions, the translations differences will have many bad intellectual and practical results for muslims. In the commentary, on a limited basis, it can be expected but this is not consistent with the nature of the translation. Therefore, in this study we tried to analyze the problem With a review of three verses of the Quran about "divine justice", "leadership" and "ablution" from the viewpoint of three Sunni translators who are A. Rashid al-din Meybodi, Shah Waliullah Dehlavi and Najm al-Din Muhammad Nasafi And three Contemporary translations of shia Namely Translation of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, Translation of Mehdi Elahi Ghomshei and Translation of fooladvand. The result shows that defaults, impact on the religious orientation of the translations.
Hamed Khani; Bagom 'Agabah
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 76-85
Perfect creation of Mankind is a concept in which the Quran has referred. This concept has been noticed by interpreters over a long period of time. They have stated different views about the interpretation of this concept and its quranic context. Some of Muslim exegetes ascribed this perfection to the ...
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Perfect creation of Mankind is a concept in which the Quran has referred. This concept has been noticed by interpreters over a long period of time. They have stated different views about the interpretation of this concept and its quranic context. Some of Muslim exegetes ascribed this perfection to the human body, while the others understood it in relation to mental abilities of human, his best mixture of classical elements, his ability to love God, and so on. They have argued about the meaning of the concept; as well as its reasons. This study aims at comparing the different exegetical literature around the concept in order to compare the similarities and differences between the viewpoints of Islamic exegetes. Another aim is to find out the relation between each idea and the circumstance that it has been created in it, the source of each thought and its scientific origins.
Soheyla Pirozfar; Fahimeh JamaliRad
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 86-100
The choice of exegesis methodology depends on the exegete’s approach to understanding Qur’an. In holistic and structural methodology, the exegete uncovers the meaning and referent of the verses by various means especially the stylistic register of the verses, while in analytic approach, stylistic ...
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The choice of exegesis methodology depends on the exegete’s approach to understanding Qur’an. In holistic and structural methodology, the exegete uncovers the meaning and referent of the verses by various means especially the stylistic register of the verses, while in analytic approach, stylistic register does not play a significant role; verses can be extracted from context and treated and analyzed as independent units of meaning. The present article holds that Quranic verses are self-contained and meaningful, irrespective of their register and context. Based on exegetic principles and rules, it further proposes that the independent meaning of verses be taken into account along with their holistic contextual meaning.
Naser Mohammadi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , April 2013, Pages 101-114
This paper aims to survey Avicenna's various exegesis works and to study his writing style, method and inclination. His exegesis style is different and ultimately is called laconism. This exegesis lacks introduction, controversial pattern and lexical debate, however all of them proceed to the subject ...
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This paper aims to survey Avicenna's various exegesis works and to study his writing style, method and inclination. His exegesis style is different and ultimately is called laconism. This exegesis lacks introduction, controversial pattern and lexical debate, however all of them proceed to the subject and objectives of the surah. Avicenna's exegesis method is rational and is directed to prove the coordination between intellect and religion and or Quran and wisdom. His exegesis inclination is philosophical and is of the most evident one. Avicenna interprets Quran philosophically and compares it with philosophy. Quran is full of mysteries throughout and one can attain them by practice and also skill in philosophical and wisdom knowledge. This philosopher tries to prove the conformity of intellect and philosophy with religion and Quran and his exegesis inclination which is mere philosophical interpretation.